Values List

Premise: You are most likely to succeed in a career and in a company that
aligns with your values. For example, if you place a high value on individualism,
a career in the military might be a very frustrating choice. On the other hand, if
one of your highest values is Regulations, the military might be a very fulfilling
choice. If you are an Economic Value Type, you might be very frustrated as a
school teacher. But a Theoretical Value Type might find teaching school to be a
perfect career. If you’ve decided on pursuing a career in food service, and
Aesthetic or Beauty is a high value for you, maybe Starbucks would be a better
option than McDonald's. Or Fine Dining might be a better option than fast food.

Aesthetic (Form, Harmony, Beauty, Balance, Artistic Expression, Respect,
Creativity, Self-Fulfillment, Subjectivity)

Economic (Money, Practical, Return, Reward, Efficiency, Utility, Production,
Capitalism, Gains)

Altruistic (Service, Helping Others, Giving, Supporting Others, People, Improve
Society, Generosity, Selflessness, Compassion)

Individualistic (Independent, Uniqueness, Special, Autonomous, Free, Relevant,
Sovereign, Self-Governed, Standing Out)

Political (Control, Power, Influence, Governing, Competition, Leadership,
Authoritative, Status-Esteem, Accountability)

Regulatory (Structure, Orderly, Routine, Systematic, Governed, Traditional,
Regulated, Principled, Focused)

Theoretical (Knowledge, Understanding, Rational, Objective, Fact-Based,
Discover Truth, Learning, Solve Problems, Analyzing)

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